Find Spot: Tomb of Huya, el-Amarna (Tomb 1)
Date of Illustration: ca. 1330 BCE l
Description: In a scene from Tomb Huya, el-Amarna (The Tombs), standard bearers and Royal chariot drivers bow before a dignitary. A trumpet player faces these four characters. The trumpeter is depicted smaller than the other people and, in his hands, he holds a trumpet and the wooden insert which sits in the trumpet when it is not being played.
Davies says of this scene that ‘The military escort consists exclusively of officers and standard-bearers, but they are marshalled by a trumpeter, who may-have the same rank.’
Other scenes such as the trumpeter playing before Osiris (IC165) appear to depict a secular temple official and that may be the case here[^1].
Citations: Davies 1923: p.8, Hickmann 1946: No. 5, Figure 5