Book 1: Horns and Trumpets of the European Iron Age
Why are horns and trumpets such an important part of ancient life? How do they breathe and speak to ancient peoples? Why do the same stories of brass pop up everywhere. All the questions and more are answered by Dr Holmes, the acknowledged world expert on ancient brass in this controversial and ever-questioning approach to the world’s most awe-inspiring instruments.
Buy Book 1Multiple volumes cover the material in various depths.
Book 1
Instruments from the European Iron Age.
Released July 2022.
Book 2
Instruments from the Etruscan, Greek and Roman civilisations.
Releases early 2023.
Book 3
Instruments from late Bronze-Age Europe.
Releases late 2023.
Book 4
Instruments from pre-metal ages in the Middle East.
Releases early 2024.
Online Referencing
60 years of research is referenced on this website - including bibliography and custom made images, all available under a Creative Commons license. Keep checking back - constantly updated.
Open Mouthpiece Designer
As a part of our historical research, I have engaged in extensive study of the brass mouthpiece. This has resulted in an innovative online mouthpiece designer allows you to create custom mouthpieces that you can download and print using 3D printing technology.
Try the designer now. Select your instrument and adjust one of 20+ parameters to create your perfect mouthpiece.
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