
IC670: A Salpinktes carrying a shield and blowing salpinx
Find Spot: N/A Current location Geneva Museum of Art, Inventory No.
read moreDR397: Aristotle: Salpinx; Melody without the Lyre
Author details/dating: Aristotle 384-322 BCE Instrument Cited: salpinx, lyre Citation Reference: Aristotle, Rhetoric 3.
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A Salpinktes playing during a Chariot Race,
Find Spot: N/A Date of Illustration: Second half of the 6th century BCE
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IC661: A Salpinktes playing before Rider on Horse
Find Spot: N/A Current location On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 157, Accession Number: 14.
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IC678: A Salpinktes playing during a Chariot Race
Find Spot: N/A Current location Cambridge, University, 37.17 Date of Illustration: 520-510 BCE
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IC703: A Salpinktes playing before Horseman leading Horse
Find Spot: N/A Current location On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 157, Accession Number: 14.
read moreWhen the Romans replaced the Salpinx with the Tuba
For many centuries, the salpinx held its position as announcer in the Greek games or agon.
Aesop, The Gnat and the Lion
Author details/dating: Aesop Born: c. 620 BCE, Delphi, Greece, died 564 BC, Nationality: Greek
read moreAesop, The Horse and His Rider
Author details/dating: Aesop Born: c. 620 BCE, Delphi, Greece, died 564 BC, Nationality: Greek
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Aesop, The Trumpeter taken Prisoner
Author details/dating: Aesop Born: c. 620 BCE, Delphi, Greece, died 564 BC, Nationality: Greek
read moreAthenaeus: Salpinx had Keras added as bell
Author details/dating: Athenaeus Instrument Cited: salpinx, Phrygian aulos Citation Reference: Athenaeus: Deipnosophistae, 4.
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Athenaeus: Salpinx had Keras added as bell
Author details/dating: Athenaeus Instrument Cited: salpinx, Phrygian aulos Citation Reference: Athenaeus: Deipnosophistae, 4.
read moreAthenaeus: Salpinx had Keras added as bell
Author details/dating: Athenaeus Instrument Cited: salpinx, Phrygian aulos Citation Reference: Athenaeus: Deipnosophistae, 4.
read moreDR260: Cavary called by Salpinx
Author details/dating: Andocides 415 BCE Instrument Cited: Salpinx Citation Reference: Andocides, 1.
read moreAthenaeus:Invention of Salpinx and Keras
Author details/dating: End 2nd beginning of 3rd century CE Instrument Cited: Keras, Salpinx
read moreAthenaeus:Salpinx like Arse of a Gnat
Author details/dating: End 2nd beginning of 3rd century CE Instrument Cited: Keras, Salpinx
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Amazon playing salpinx on epinotron
Find Spot: Current Location Athens, National Museum, Inv. No. 2184
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Archer Blowing Salpinx on a Plate
Find Spot: Vulci Date of Illustration: • around 520 BCE to 500 BCE
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Etruscan image of Nike blowing a Cup-Belled Salpinx
Find Spot: N/A Date of Illustration: N/A Description: Depiction of a the Goddess Nike blowing a cup-belled salpinx.
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Etruscan Salpingai played for Boxing Match
Find Spot: N/A Current location: N/A Date of Illustration: N/A
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Etruscan Salpinktes accompanying a Boxing Match
Find Spot: N/A Date of Illustration: N/A Description: N/A Citations:
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Long Salpinx played during Sea Battle
Find Spot: Caere (modern Cerveteri, Italy) Date of Illustration: N/A
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salpinktes blowing Cone-Belled salpinx
Find Spot: N/A Date of Illustration: N/A Description: Depiction of a player blowing a cone-belled salpinx.
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Salpinktes on Cup by Castle Ashby Painter
Find Spot: N/A Date of Illustration: 520 BCE Description: Image of a salpinktes blowing and wearing greaves while carrying a shield
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Salpinktes on kylix
Find Spot: N/A Current Location: Città del Vaticano, Musei Vaticani, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, inv.
read moreSpecimen Detail: - Bronze Salpingai
Description: A Papyrus in Greek. It describes objects from the Temple, among these being salpingai chalkai or bronze salpinges.
read moreSpecimen Detail: - Sacred Bronze Salpingai
Description: A set of papyri discovered at Oxyrhynchus in Egypt dating from Roman Ptolomaic times, around the 3rd century BCE.
read moreAristophanes: Salpinx maker’s instruments now worthless
Author details/dating: Aristophanes Instrument Cited: salpinx Citation Reference: Aristophanes, 1240-1241
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